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Welcome to the Supergen ORE Landscape

This interactive web tool allows you to explore the latest information, research and technical challenges across the offshore wind, wave and tidal energy sectors.

To help us improve the landscape experience for you, we would like to know your role.

float rotars float rotars float rotars float rotars tidsl rotars tidal rotars tidal rotars wave-bouy boat fish cloud cloud
satellite satellite satellite floating unit floating unit wave
H4 H3 H2 H1 G3 G2 G1 F4 F3 F2 F1 E6 E5 E4 E3 E2 E1 D4 D3 D2 D1 C5 C4 C3 A4 C2 C1 B5 B4 B3 B1 B2 A2 A1 A3

Choose a theme

  • A Resource and Environment Characterisation
  • B Fluid-structure Seabed Interaction
  • C Materials and Manufacturing
  • D Sensing, Control and Electromechanics
  • E Survivability, Reliability and Design
  • F Operations, Management, Maintenance and Safety
  • G Environmental And Ecosystem Aspects
  • H Marine Planning and Governance

The Supergen ORE Hub is part of the wider Supergen Programme funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.


Resource and Environment Characterisation


Better measurement techniques for forecasting and resource characterisation

Predictions of the environmental conditions often rely on data from a single point, or sparse locations. This causes uncertainty…

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Improved modelling tools for resource and loading assessment

Existing models for predicting ORE resources and extreme loading on ORE facilities can be unreliable, particularly when…

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Resource and environmental characterisation in physical modelling facilities

Real ocean behaviour, such as the turbulence in combined waves and current, is poorly understood and difficult to simulate in the…

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Long-term sediment transport measurement and modelling

Ocean sediments can be mobile, affecting offshore structures, cables and habitat. The motion of sands and other sediments and the…

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Fluid-structure Seabed Interaction


Realistic fluid-structure-seabed design tools that work together, not in isolation

Many design tools and processes neglect non-linear effects and cover a single discipline in isolation, leading to poor design…

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Novel device concepts - rethinking the mechanism of energy extraction

Established devices are already optimised so have minimal opportunity to produce a performance step change; Limit of Economic…

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Moorings, anchors and foundations

Foundation and station-keeping systems are a major fraction of ORE system costs and critical to system response.

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Multi-purpose hybrid systems for ORE and ocean resources

Under-utilisation of the available ORE and ocean resources, and high cost of trialling new applications in isolation.

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Design of reliable cabling systems

Degradation and failure of cables due to processes such as cable-seabed interactions affects ORE reliability and will be…

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Materials and Manufacturing


Structural Integrity in the Marine Environment (corrosion, fatigue, coatings etc.)

Corrosion and Fatigue degrade structural integrity and need to be better understood.

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Serial (volume) manufacturing of complex structural systems

The cost of ORE structures for deeper water sites and further offshore is expensive. Although fixed offshore wind has seen…

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Design for safe and cost-effective installation methods.

Marine renewables and deep water offshore wind require reduction of installation costs through innovative methods while…

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New materials and coatings

Corrosion and Fatigue degrade structural integrity and new materials need to be developed and applied for offshore wind and…

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Recycling/reuse of composites

Composites, glass fibre in particular are currently not easily recycled. Very large amounts of composites will come out of…

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Sensing, Control and Electromechanics


Control of ORE farms

It is difficult to simultaneously maximize power generation, reduce fatigue load and minimize environment impact in complex ORE…

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Smart sensor system use

Improved control and operations requires better use of sensor systems to measure of behaviour of individual ORE devices and…

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Drive train design

Improved drive trains are required to accommodate a large dynamic range, with increased lifetime and reduced CAPEX and OPEX.

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Power Electronic Conversion

Power electronics converters are key for all ORE technology and a major challenge for all converters is to improve their…

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Survivability, Reliability and Design


Higher and more consistent reliability through risk-based design

Existing design methods can limit scope for innovation and cost reduction, particularly for arrays of devices.

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Extending limits to operation or performance by mitigating extreme actions

High loads can occur due to dynamic response and interaction of response modes that limit system design.

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Innovative sub-systems to provide higher and more consistent reliability and better performance.

Offshore renewable energy systems require maintenance and repair which is challenging in the ocean environment.

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Sustainable whole-life design methods

Offshore renewable energy systems are designed without a planned use when life expired, which reduces sustainability.

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Design tools for arrays

There is insufficient confidence in prediction of energy yield from arrays of new technologies to underpin investment Current…

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Whole systems approaches to operate large scale ORE

As offshore wind becomes a larger fraction of the grid supply, without better integration of supply, storage and the grid, the…

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Operations, Management, Maintenance and Safety


Analysis of remote sensing and condition monitoring data

As the use of remote sensing and remote condition monitoring through digital twin technology becomes more commonplace, improved…

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Use of autonomous systems for inspection

The use of autonomous systems for remote sensing and condition monitoring, together with AI and machine learning with remote…

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Data and digital cyber security

ORE assets provide an Increasing amount of data and heightened sensitivity, causing challenges regarding data security. ORE farms…

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Increased use of automation to reduce risk in installation and operation (O&M)

Human activity is a governing hazard in the offshore environment, need for reduced human risk exposure in offshore operations.

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Environmental And Ecosystem Aspects


Fit-for-purpose approaches to environmental monitoring

ORE Industries have recognised that current environmental impact assessment EIA/HRA/Post-consent guidelines for environmental…

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Development of population level environmental impact models

There are currently no standard analytical methods to predict population level environmental impacts and deal with priority…

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Ecosystem Modelling

In order to understand the long term impact of Offshore Renewable Energy developments in the marine environment, we need to be…

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Marine Planning and Governance


Communication: Ocean literacy and public perception of ORE

The wider public is not well informed about offshore energy and in particular the concept of whole-systems approaches.

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Interaction with other marine users

Need to reduce potential for conflict with other marine sectors.

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Development of market mechanisms for ORE

Fit-for-purpose market mechanisms do not as yet exist for the UK domestic ORE market, particularly for marine renewable energy

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Reducing uncertainty of both technology and social costs of ORE

There is no agreed process to evaluate the whole-system benefits of offshore renewable energy, including technology and social…

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Reducing uncertainty of both technology and social costs of ORE


The lack of a standardised and validated approach to marine planning for ORE developments is holding back the development of the ORE sector and establishing such an approach is necessary to allow policymakers and investors to make informed decisions on the funding of the ORE sector.


There is no agreed process to evaluate the whole-system benefits of offshore renewable energy, including technology and social costs and benefits. Nor is it established how to identify and qualify/quantify the well-being from employment, identity and cultural aspects of future ORE industries

Context and Need

There is a need to understand and qualify/quantify the benefits of ORE beyond low carbon electricity by analysing salien...

Research Summary

Individual models currently exist but a standard, whole-system approach is required. There are expert groups, framework...

Flexible Funding Research


Lead Institution: University of Edinburgh

The project This project will directly solve the challenge of measuring the fati...

FASTWATER: Freely-Available mesoScale simulation Tool for Wave, Tides and Eddy Replication

Lead Institution: University of Edinburgh

The project Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE), and multiple other marine technolog...

Links to Industry Priorities

Offshore Wind Innovation Hub - O&M and Windfarm Lifecycle innovation prioritiesOffshore Wind Innovation Hub Roadmap ...

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Analysis through the development of a whole-systems model to facilitate both economic and socioeconomic benefits of ORE. Development of methods to assess and communicate the range of social benefits and well-being from future large scale ORE developments

Impact Potential

A standardised and validated approach to ORE marine planning would facilitate deployment, which would enable learning-by...

Development of market mechanisms for ORE


Fit-for-purpose market mechanisms are needed for the UK domestic ORE market, with appropriate measures reflecting requirements for technology sectors at different stages of development, particularly for marine renewable energy. Development and analysis of potential policy frameworks to support ORE technology commercialisation will allow rational mechanisms to be established.


Fit-for-purpose market mechanisms do not as yet exist for the UK domestic ORE market, particularly for marine renewable energy

Context and Need

There is a need for fit-for-purpose market mechanisms for the UK domestic ORE market that reflects the requirements of d...

Research Summary

While substantial work has gone into LCOE modelling, until now there has been limited investment into quantifying the Re...


Development and analysis of potential policy frameworks to support ORE technology commercialisation.

Impact Potential

A market mechanism would facilitate deployment, which would enable learning-by-doing, which would in turn reduce CAPEX f...

Interaction with other marine users


ORE operates in the marine environment alongside other users and there is potentially a conflict for resource, marine space and infrastructure. Better understanding of the requirements, and of complementary and competing users will be necessary for rational spatial planning.


Need to reduce potential for conflict with other marine sectors.

Context and Need

There is a need to reduce potential for conflict with other marine sectors. Exploring technology / skills synergies acro...

Research Summary

Marine spatial planning is now operational at governance level via the Marine Plan and Marine (Scotland) Plan. INSITE P...

Links to Industry Priorities

Offshore Wind Innovation Hub - O&M and Windfarm Lifecycle innovation prioritiesOffshore Wind Innovation Hub Roadmap ...

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Use of Marine Spatial Planning framework

Impact Potential

The potential impact of reducing the non-technical barriers to ORE development are to lower costs of CAPEX and OPEX in O...

Communication: Ocean literacy and public perception of ORE


The Supergen ORE Hub leadership role includes connecting those active in the sector and communicating ORE issues to a range of user groups, including politicians and public, education and to improve understanding via use of public engagement. Better public understanding of ORE and whole-systems approaches, ocean literacy and ecological interactions, will impact on public perception and the granting of Social License.


The wider public is not well informed about offshore energy and in particular the concept of whole-systems approaches.

Context and Need

There is a clear need for greater understanding of offshore renewable energy, what is meant by offshore wind, wave and t...

Research Summary

There are lots of ideas/techniques currently being examined: Frontiers for Young MindsBritish Ecological Society Policy ...

Links to Industry Priorities

Offshore Wind Innovation Hub - O&M and Windfarm Lifecycle innovation prioritiesOffshore Wind Innovation Hub Roadmap ...

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Supergen communication and engagement strategy; creation of material, events, blogs, Supergen ORE website; alignment of wider research base for promotion through Supergen.

Impact Potential

Media, Teaching and workshop material could be used globally to lead to acceptability as well as means to relay the curr...

Ecosystem Modelling


The prediction of cumulative and interaction of multiple effects is needed in order to understand the long term impact of ORE developments on the marine environment and to inform marine planning. It will allow better future prediction or range of environmental impacts from physical changes up through food chain, including far-field and cumulative effects, and their impact on ecological limits and ecological carrying capacity, and put into context of climate change. Improved ecosystem modelling tools will enable environmental change prediction to be expressed as different ???currencies??? (i.e. Carbon, economic via natural capital/ecosystem services, social capital).


In order to understand the long term impact of Offshore Renewable Energy developments in the marine environment, we need to be able to make predictions of the cumulative effects of very large scale and multiple ORE developments throughout marine ecosystems.

Context and Need

It is necessary to have an agreed approach to cumulative effects of very large scale (multi arrays of devices and across...

Research Summary

MERC programme (NERC funded) that has recently finished and has produced a range of new ecosystem modelling approaches a...

Active and Recent Research Projects

Related recent research projects

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


An ecosystem modelling framework is needed to assess the ecological limits (carrying capacity) of marine systems, which can be used within a Marine Spatial Planning framework.

Impact Potential

Improved ecosystem modelling will enable better prediction of cumulative and long term interactions of ORE with the mari...

Development of population level environmental impact models


ORE projects may be prevented or held back by the lack of confidence of their effect on the marine environment. The current models do not predict the impact on individuals and on population levels with good certainty and so development of these models and the data collection and analysis methods behind them would enable more confident prediction of the impact on marine animals and birds.

This would enable the impact of ORE projects to be better understood and potentially lead to cost reduction in environmental monitoring and faster project consenting.


There are currently no standard analytical methods to predict population level environmental impacts and deal with priority issues of marine animal and bird collision risk, displacement and disturbance.

Context and Need

Lack of certainty in population level environmental effects has high potential to be a showstopper (eg. Firth of Forth w...

Research Summary

On-going research with lots of priority lists being created /updated, but little funding to proceed beyond current level...

Active and Recent Research Projects

Related recent research projects

Links to Industry Priorities

Also Offshore Wind Innovation Hub - O&M and Windfarm Lifecycle innovation prioritiesOffshore Wind Innovation Hub Roa...

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Development of data collection, analysis and modelling techniques that include uncertainty estimates for marine animals and birds from individual up to population level. This will enable scientist to resolve environmental impact uncertainties, such as collision risk, displacement and disturbance for individual to population levels.

Impact Potential

The impact of improved models for population level environmental impact on marine animals and birds will help to remove ...

Fit-for-purpose approaches to environmental monitoring


Environmental monitoring is a high cost aspect of ORE project development and is needed during both environmental impact assessment and post consent. However, there is generally low confidence in the predictions of cumulative and population level environmental impacts. Better understanding of the models and the data needed for use in them will enable the development of a framework for monitoring data collection with environmental impact assessment and post consent guidelines.


ORE Industries have recognised that current environmental impact assessment EIA/HRA/Post-consent guidelines for environmental monitoring are not fit for purpose and may be costing more than necessary or not providing information needed with confidence.

Context and Need

Environmental (EIA/HRA) data collection can be a significant CAPEX cost and post-consent data collection can be a signif...

Research Summary

Recognised by many researchers, developers (Royal HaskoningDHV) and regulators (MSS, MMO) that have been dealing with co...

Active and Recent Research Projects

Related recent research projects

Links to Industry Priorities

Connect with related work within industry

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Better framework for collection of data and an assessment approach for environmental impacts.

Impact Potential

The development of approaches to environmental monitoring that are fit for purpose will potentially lower costs of CAPEX...

Increased use of automation to reduce risk in installation and operation (O&M)


In order to reduce the risk to human life in servicing O&M requirements of ORE structures, redundant systems to reduce time off for maintenance and human intervention may be considered. This may be achieved through increasing system reliabilities by increasing component redundancies, however this is a design trade-off with cost. Evaluating and specifying the ideal trade-off point between system reliability and lifecycle cost is needed, as well as better understanding of O&M uncertainties and the adoption of risk-based approaches to minimise risk in ORE O&M.


Human activity is a governing hazard in the offshore environment, need for reduced human risk exposure in offshore operations.

Context and Need

The increased number and maintenance needs for offshore assets, makes human interventions one of the main hazards in the...

Research Summary

Automation of routine operations is implemented, e.g. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) data; one off (in...

Active and Recent Research Projects

Related recent research projects

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Increased use of automation to reduce human risk exposure in ORE installation and in operation and maintenance (O&M).

Impact Potential

The main impact is to reduce human hazard exposure in the offshore environment, this will also lead to reduction in CAPE...

Data and digital cyber security


ORE farms are critical assets that provide an Increasing amount of data and heightened sensitivity that require consideration of cybersecurity. Cybersecurity is an established area, but requires implementation for ORE.

Opportunity for the UK to lead the development on data and cyber security protocols for ORE usage.


ORE assets provide an Increasing amount of data and heightened sensitivity, causing challenges regarding data security. ORE farms are critical assets that if compromised would disrupt the energy supply.

Context and Need

There is a need for improving the awareness, protocols and tools for ORE digital cyber security...

Research Summary

Established UK research portfolio, but not focused on ORE applications yet. Reported cases of Cyber Security breaches a...

Links to Industry Priorities

Offshore Wind Innovation Hub - O&M and Windfarm Lifecycle innovation prioritiesOffshore Wind Innovation Hub Roadmap ...

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Better understanding of the risks and mitigation measures leading to established and applied best practice and processes for data and cyber security in ORE assets.

Impact Potential

Increased data security, and hence increased security of ORE critical assets. Potential to unlock big data....

Use of autonomous systems for inspection


Remote sensing and the use of autonomous vessels and robotics for inspection of ORE machines, e.g. turbine and structure, and for environmental monitoring is expected to become increasingly commonplace. There are technical challenges in developing systems and there is also the need to develop clear regulation and legislation for UAV operations within offshore assets.


The use of autonomous systems for remote sensing and condition monitoring, together with AI and machine learning with remote resets and repairs present opportunities for advanced asset monitoring and management for ORE. This could potentially lower OPEX cost, whilst increasing availabilities of ORE farms and individual energy converters. Regulations and legislation of UAV systems are not yet developed, but are needed as autonomous systems are expected to be increasingly used for inspection and maintenance.

Context and Need

Innovations are required to reduce the risk and cost of offshore interventions...

Research Summary

Emerging area of autonomous vessels/robotics, prototype and trial status for ORE. The UK is amongst the leading countrie...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

Links to Industry Priorities

Connect with related work within industry

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Clear regulation and legislation for UAV operations within offshore assets

Impact Potential

Autonomous operations and interventions have the potential to reduce the risk to offshore personnel, i.e. reduced OPEX, ...

Analysis of remote sensing and condition monitoring data


To minimise offshore operations and inform O&M strategies, remote sensing and remote condition monitoring through digital twin technology are important developments that have the potential to enable remote resets and repairs and significantly reduce the cost of O&M offshore. Improved analysis tools and treatment of big data generated by remote sensing, proven by smarter benchmarking will be needed to unlock the potential for use of AI and machine learning and present opportunities for advanced asset monitoring and management, potentially lowering OPEX cost, whilst increasing availabilities.


As the use of remote sensing and remote condition monitoring through digital twin technology becomes more commonplace, improved techniques for analysis of the data using AI and machine learning will be needed.

Context and Need

Effective and efficient prognostic condition monitoring techniques are needed in order to utilise the state of the art c...

Research Summary

Digital twins used in other industries AI/Machine learning established in computational science, but emerging as an offs...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

Links to Industry Priorities

Connect with related work within industry

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


New analysis tools are needed to be developed, demonstrated and benchmarked for analysis of the data generated from remote sensing and remote monitoring using autonomous systems.

Impact Potential

These techniques have the potential to reduce OPEX whilst maintaining acceptable safety levels Reduced OPEX (short-term...

Whole systems approaches to operate large scale ORE


Targets are moving towards being defined in terms of energy - also very large scale envisaged (50MV) A systems level approach to supply, storage and grid integration is needed for optimal utilisation of offshore assets. The Government are starting to set energy targets and reducing the economic viability opens the potential for device deployment in UK, South America etc. The limit of Economic Viability of Devices should be investigated to enable design to lower (for instance) the velocity of flow whilst achieving economic viability.


As offshore wind becomes a larger fraction of the grid supply, without better integration of supply, storage and the grid, the supply will be vulnerable to the availability of wind.

Context and Need

Governments are setting high energy targets (e.g. Scottish Government 50% of energy from renewables by 2030) Energy dema...

Research Summary

Early Stage Research: Existing projects: IRPWIND and MAXFARM (MAXimizing wind Farm Aerodynamic Resource via advanced Mod...

Links to Industry Priorities

Connect with related work within industry

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


A systems level approach between farms and integration with storage is needed to maintain grid supply. Better integration of wind farms, storage and the grid is needed, and the grid integration of ORE farms focusing on system stability and the impact of distributed energy storage is needed.

Impact Potential

Without meeting this challenge there will be upward pressure on cost of energy and downward pressure on scale of develop...

Design tools for arrays


Efficient numerical models need to developed for array optimisation or ORE systems, which include: optimal control; understanding device conditions; hydrodynamic interaction; uncertainty quantification, yield optimisation; blocking and efficient arrays in real channels; mooring or power take off sharing. Better understanding of the hydrodynamics of array interaction, layout performance and design, including moorings and anchors is needed through physical wave tank tests and numerical modelling.


There is insufficient confidence in prediction of energy yield from arrays of new technologies to underpin investment Current models cannot efficiently achieve array optimisation of ORE systems.

Context and Need

Reducing the costs in installation, operation, maintenance meanwhile improving the energy yield can improve confidence i...

Research Summary

Research includes: EPSRC - Dynamic Loadings on Turbines in a Tidal Array (DyLoTTA), FloWTurb: Response of Tidal Energy C...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

Links to industry priorities

Connect with related work within industry

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Computationally tractable techniques for system or component design accounting for flow-modification by other devices and arrays Models need to be developed for effective analysis and optimisation of ORE arrays.

Impact Potential

Essential: to predict array performance to establish designs required for array deployments and hence CAPEX to establis...

Sustainable whole-life design methods


Develop new component technologies, system design concepts and processes, that unlock whole life design improvements that extend into recycling, reuse, repair, decommissioning and/or repower.


Offshore renewable energy systems are designed without a planned use when life expired, which reduces sustainability.

Context and Need

Offshore renewable energy systems have a limited operating life, consume significant raw materials and involve placing s...

Research Summary

Active research projects: LiftWEC H2020 Grant 851885: The LiftWEC project involves the development of a novel wave energ...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

Links to Industry Priorities

Offshore Wind Innovation Hub - Turbines innovation prioritiesOffshore Wind Innovation Hub Roadmap Data: Product environm...

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Develop new concepts, components, design and processes, that unlock whole life designs which extend new and existing facilities into recycling, reuse, repair, decommissioning and/or repowering.

Impact Potential

Reduced whole life cost - economic and environmental. Higher social acceptance - contrast with oil and gas experiences....

Innovative sub-systems to provide higher and more consistent reliability and better performance.


Develop new component solutions with innovative, materials, designs, operating principles to plug gaps in system reliability and to extend or expand device performance.


Offshore renewable energy systems require maintenance and repair which is challenging in the ocean environment.

Context and Need

All offshore renewable energy systems involves complex equipment in a harsh and inaccessible environment. Offshore wind ...

Research Summary

Current active projects: Morphing-Blades: New-Concept Turbine Blades for Unsteady Load MitigationLead institution: Unive...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

Links to Industry Priorities

Connect with related work within industry

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Innovative improvements in sub-systems that raise reliability and performance will reduce maintenance and repair requirements.

Impact Potential

New sub-systems that have higher performance and better reliability will reduce the maintenance costs of all types of of...

Extending limits to operation or performance by mitigating extreme actions


Establish and extend operational limits or performance by better identifying and mitigating extreme loads and aggregated actions vs. operation behaviour at system and component level. Including interaction between environment and system control parameters and to extend operational limits of devices extending turbine size limits and fatigue life, understanding localised environment conditions to inform aggregated effects (e.g. on fatigue); modelling/prediction of extreme environmental loads.


High loads can occur due to dynamic response and interaction of response modes that limit system design.

Context and Need

A key cost reduction mechanism is the increase of the size of the power generating element of the ORE system, e.g. the t...

Research Summary

Currently active research Morphing-Blades: New-Concept Turbine Blades for Unsteady Load MitigationLead institution: Univ...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

Links to Industry Priorities

Connect with related work within industry

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Identification *and mitigation* of extreme loads and aggregated actions at system and component level.

Impact Potential

Increased reliability and reduced OPEX of existing designs New designs with lower CAPEX per MW and / or increased perfo...

Higher and more consistent reliability through risk-based design


Establish risk-based and/or probabilistic design approaches that span resource, device, control strategy and array. Develop rational, coupled whole-life models for resource - device/structure (and control) - foundation interaction to allow consistent target reliability. Unpack existing practices inherited from oil and gas, to remove conservatism, and counter current issues of low survivability of some trial systems


Existing design methods can limit scope for innovation and cost reduction, particularly for arrays of devices.

Context and Need

Many of the methods employed for design of offshore renewable energy systems are inherited, with some modification, from...

Research Summary

Active projects: MONITOR (Atlantic Area project ID#: EAPA_333/2016): The cost of operations and maintenance is the singl...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

Links to Industry Priorities

Connect with related work within industry

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Rational, whole-life models coupling resource to device/structure loading and response accounting for control and interaction with station-keeping infrastructure.

Impact Potential

Potential for significant: reduction of CAPEX and OPEX increased reliability improved survivability (or equivalent for ...

Power Electronic Conversion


Power electronics conversion is important for all types of ORE technology and the power electronics needs to have better reliability and improved control systems in order to enhance performance and grid integration. The impact of improved power electronic control reliability will be to reduce operating costs and improve utilisation of ORE.


Power electronics converters are key for all ORE technology and a major challenge for all converters is to improve their reliability.

Context and Need

Power electronics converters are the key enabling technology for renewable energy utilization. They play an increasingly...

Research Summary

Existing projects are currently being undertaken in: Wind - Sheffield University, University of Edinburgh, Warwick Univ...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

Links to Industry Priorities

Connect with related work within industry

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

List Your Research Project On The Research Landscape

We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Improved control systems and analysis of the power electronic converter will improve reliability and the performance of the drivetrain and grid interface.

Impact Potential

Control of the power electronic converter can enhance the performance of the drivetrain and grid interface. Performance ...

Drive train design


Conception, design and validation of novel drive trains for ORE devices including hydraulic drives, direct drive generators and devices to couple multiple prime movers into single generators. Designs should aim to provide a large dynamic range, with increased lifetime and reduced CAPEX and OPEX.


Improved drive trains are required to accommodate a large dynamic range, with increased lifetime and reduced CAPEX and OPEX.

Context and Need

Drive trains and generators are required to meet two competing requirements: to operate efficiently over a wide range of...

Research Summary

Novel direct drive generators included within New Partnership in Offshore Wind (EP/R004900/1), 2017-2022Hydrostatic tran...

Active and Recent Research Projects

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Conception, design and validation of novel drive trains for ORE devices including hydraulic drives and direct drive generators.

Impact Potential

To reduce LCoE, particularly for wave and tidal energy, lower cost drive trains and generators which combine efficiency ...

Smart sensor system use


Smart sensors may be embedded within structures and ORE machines, or may be developed as part of autonomous monitoring systems. In order to develop sensors fit for purpose in the offshore ORE environment, there is a need to identify, evaluate and validate sensor technology, data transmission, integration and interpretation systems to support control and planning of operations and maintenance. This includes both sensing applied to individual ORE devices, arrays of devices and the environments in which they operate.


Improved control and operations requires better use of sensor systems to measure of behaviour of individual ORE devices and arrays and the environments in which they operate.

Context and Need

Although ORE devices, particularly wind turbines, have a large number of sensors measuring individual device performance...

Research Summary

Current activity including EPSRC funded projects: New Partnership in Offshore Wind (EP/R004900/1), 2017-2022Structural...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

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Identify, evaluate and validate sensor technologies, data transmission, integration and interpretation systems to support improved control and management.

Impact Potential

Improved understanding of ORE device behaviour, along with the environmental drivers (wind, waves and tides) can help re...

Control of ORE farms


There are research challenges in the development of control technologies in order to optimise the performance of ORE systems under varying operating and survivability conditions, both for individual devices and for arrays. There is a need to develop and validate control technology to control the individual ORE device and the whole ORE farm to maximize the power capture, reduce the fatigue load and minimize the environment impact.


It is difficult to simultaneously maximize power generation, reduce fatigue load and minimize environment impact in complex ORE systems.

Context and Need

The control of individual wind turbines has been well developed but techniques for tidal and wave devices are lagging. I...

Research Summary

Current activity includes: UK-China - FENGBO-WIND - Farming the Environment into the Grid: Big data in Offshore Wind (EP...

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Develop and validate control technology for ORE farms to balance competing requirements.

Impact Potential

Improved farm scale control will increase energy yield, reduce maintenance costs, minimise environment impact and thus e...

Recycling/reuse of composites


A large number of first-generation wind turbines are entering the second half of their service life. Service life extension and repowering can reduce LCoE, however materials used in decommissioned blades in particular need to be reused/recycled. New research is needed to investigate methods to repurpose and/or recycle composites for offshore wind and marine renewables.


Composites, glass fibre in particular are currently not easily recycled. Very large amounts of composites will come out of service posing an environmentally unacceptable situation ??? current practice is to land-fill decommissioned blades.

Context and Need

A large number of first-generation wind turbines are entering the second half of their service life. Service life extens...

Research Summary

Some disparate research work is underway by individual investigators but there is no concerted programme for the recycla...

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Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

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With a number of offshore wind turbines approaching their end of service life, investigation of appropriate end of life scenarios becomes a timely priority.

Impact Potential

Expected potential impact is high for OPEX through repowering and life extension. However, it will become unacceptable f...

New materials and coatings


The development of innovative materials and their application for the ORE sector will enable improvements in structural integrity, corrosion resistance and fatigue life.


Corrosion and Fatigue degrade structural integrity and new materials need to be developed and applied for offshore wind and marine renewable energy applications. New materials, fatigue/corrosion/abrasion resistant Innovative materials with special properties can result to life time extension (beyond nominal 25 years) and reduce inspection/maintenance requirements

Context and Need

New materials can facilitate upscaling (more units, larger, in deeper waters, further offshore) at a reduced cost. ...

Research Summary

There is no joined-up initiative for considering the transfer of materials know-how from other sectors, or the developme...

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Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

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Fatigue/corrosion/abrasion resistant Innovative materials (including coatings) with special properties should be developed for life-time extension (beyond nominal 25 years) and reduce inspection/maintenance requirements.

Impact Potential

Very large potential impact for the reduction in OPEX....

Design for safe and cost-effective installation methods.


Marine renewables and deep water offshore wind turbines require reduction of installation costs through innovative methods while maintaining safety levels.


Marine renewables and deep water offshore wind require reduction of installation costs through innovative methods while maintaining safety levels. Currently, installation approaches involve putting people into a hazardous working environment and this situation needs to be addressed.

Context and Need

Offshore operations are inherently dangerous; A considerable portion of CAPEX and OPEX is due to installation requiremen...

Research Summary

Installation has to a large extent been an afterthought with the primary device design having been optimised for optimum...

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Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

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To develop designs of ORE facility that require less offshore human activity during the installation process.

Impact Potential

What is the potential impact on CAPEX, OPEX, performance, survivability, reliability, arrays, and adoptability. Expecte...

Long-term sediment transport measurement and modelling


Morphological change in tidal races, tidal estuaries and the open ocean is not well understood, hampering exploitation resources. If the changes to water flow, sediment and habitat can be predicted, confidence in design and social acceptability will be raised.


Ocean sediments can be mobile, affecting offshore structures, cables and habitat. The motion of sands and other sediments and the possibility of scour must be predicted, as well as environmental harm minimised.

Context and Need

The mobility of the seabed through sediment transport can affect offshore renewable energy (ORE) facilities. Scour manag...

Research Summary

Related recent research projects:Well understood large scale and medium scale sediment changes due to ORE. (Less work to...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

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Reliable multiscale methods - which work at region and farm scale, as well as local to structures - are needed to predict changes in bathymetry, sediments and habitat, validated by field surveys.

Impact Potential

Habitat directive is currently an effective barrier to EIA consenting in estuaries. Unlocking significant resource and c...

Serial (volume) manufacturing of complex structural systems


For ORE structures to be economically viable, economies of scale need to be realised. The design of next generation structural systems needs to transition from one-off laboratory scale models to volume fabrication to support wind/marine deployments in deep waters.


The cost of ORE structures for deeper water sites and further offshore is expensive. Although fixed offshore wind has seen significant price reduction, floating offshore wind, tidal stream and wave energy remain too expensive to attract significant investment.

Context and Need

The UK cannot afford to import all its planned 30GW by 2030 structures and cannot compete with the established monopile ...

Research Summary

There is some experience with Jackets but not at volume. A number of prototypes have achieved higher TRL levels, however...

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Structural Design needs to integrate with advanced and emerging volume manufacture technologies.

Impact Potential

Increased safety due to less offshore maintenance; Reduction in OPEX and potential reduction in CAPEX and deployment in ...

Structural Integrity in the Marine Environment (corrosion, fatigue, coatings etc.)


Offshore wind components/assets need to withstand the harsh marine environment hence understanding of degradation mechanisms should warrant operability and safety of personnel.


Corrosion and Fatigue degrade structural integrity and need to be better understood.

Context and Need

Offshore/marine renewables are subject to harsh deployment environments; corrosion fatigue is the primary progressive da...

Research Summary

Joint Industry Projects over the past 4-5 years have mainly tackled such issues, informing fatigue assessment practices....

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Experimental, Numerical and analytical damage models need to be developed, validated and verified for offshore structural integrity.

Impact Potential

Expected potential impact is high in CAPEX/OPEX/survivability and safety. ...

Design of reliable cabling systems


Better understanding is needed of the cable mechanics, hydrodynamics, fluid-structure interaction and interaction with a moveable sea bed, thermal and electrical effects; revisit fundamentals of exposure and support to unlock more cost-effective designs.


Degradation and failure of cables due to processes such as cable-seabed interactions affects ORE reliability and will be increasingly important for floating wind.

Context and Need

Cabling system can contribute to the total cost of the ORE system and can be a single point of failure. Therefore, a mor...

Research Summary

Active and Recent Research Projects Current Research: Offshore Renewable energy Cable Health using Integrated Distribut...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

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Better understanding of cable failure mechanisms including cable-seabed interaction is needed to support ORE expansion.

Impact Potential

Impact on CAPEX as more reliable cabling will be designed and therefore the design can be less conservative. Impact on O...

Multi-purpose hybrid systems for ORE and ocean resources


Multi-use platforms may be platforms supporting both wave and offshore wind, offshore wind and tidal stream devices or integration of wave energy devices within sea walls and defences. Also includes the sharing of sea space and infrastructure with oil and gas structures or aquaculture.


Under-utilisation of the available ORE and ocean resources, and high cost of trialling new applications in isolation.

Context and Need

For all offshore renewable energy technologies there are significant costs and design challenges that are associated wit...

Research Summary

Links to Industry Priorities: Offshore Wind Innovation Hub - Substructures innovation prioritiesOffshore Wind Innovation...


Hybrid systems exploiting more than one ORE or ocean resource, raising utilisation of ocean infrastructure including floating platforms and export cables.

Impact Potential

Potential for significant reduction of overall CAPEX (per unit of energy). Potential for increased environmental accept...

Moorings, anchors and foundations


New concepts and materials for moorings; design of coupled mooring and foundation systems and coupling mooring analysis and hydrodynamics for floating offshore wind and wave devices. Mooring systems for arrays including shared moorings and systems with multiple devices per foundation


Foundation and station-keeping systems are a major fraction of ORE system costs and critical to system response.

Context and Need

Importance For all ORE systems, multiple devices and the connecting electrical infrastructure require support or statio...

Research Summary

There has been significant research completed worldwide on mooring and foundation systems for fixed and floating oil and...

Active and Recent Research Projects

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Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

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Novel and higher performance mooring arrangements, lines, foundations and anchor systems will reduce the costs of support and station keeping, and optimise the dynamic response of wave devices

Impact Potential

The mooring and foundation system can be a significant part of a fixed or floating structure, in shallow water, but as w...

Realistic fluid-structure-seabed design tools that work together, not in isolation


Design tools are used to predict how structures interact with the sea and the seabed, to test and improve designs. The current generation of simulation tools generally focus on one aspect of aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, structural dynamics or geotechnics, with simplified exchanges of data between them, meaning conservative simplifications must be made. Improving and coupling existing models will lead to better designs.


Many design tools and processes neglect non-linear effects and cover a single discipline in isolation, leading to poor design outcomes

Context and Need

There is a need to reduce the time required for the design process, and eliminate unnecessary conservatism where it exis...

Research Summary

Related recent research projects:A CCP on Wave/Structure Interaction: CCP-WSIModelling, Optimisation and Design of Conve...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

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Existing models need to be improved and coupled to provide integrated whole system design tools

Impact Potential

More accurate whole-systems design models will enable faster and cheaper design up front. They also offer better assessm...

Novel device concepts - rethinking the mechanism of energy extraction


Reducing the economic viability opens the potential for device deployment in UK; South America etc.


Established devices are already optimised so have minimal opportunity to produce a performance step change; Limit of Economic Viability of Devices

Context and Need

A step change in cost reduction may only come from the development of novel technologies and new ideas for renewable ene...

Research Summary

Active research projects: LiftWEC H2020 (Grant 851885): The LiftWEC project involves the development of a novel wave ene...

Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

PhD Projects In Offshore Renewable Energy

In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being conducted in the UK, the Supergen ORE Hub has ...

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We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


Novel concepts, e.g. alternative turbine forms or wave harvesting devices, offer a disruptive step forward; To design to lower (for instance) the velocity of flow whilst achieving economic viability

Impact Potential

The impact potential could be very significant. In order to displace existing technology there would need to be substant...

Improved modelling tools for resource and loading assessment


Improved modelling tools are needed for wave, wind and tidal power resource and extreme loading assessment and for farm planning and project design. Models are also needed that include multi-scale farm-resource interaction and allow the effect of the environment on the ORE structures to be modelled as well as the effect of the ORE farm on the environment.


Existing models for predicting ORE resources and extreme loading on ORE facilities can be unreliable, particularly when extrapolating to extreme conditions, new regions, or when modelling new types of device or system.

Context and Need

Better and more reliable prediction of ORE performance will improve confidence in project financial projections. ORE per...

Research Summary

ROMS, FAST, SWAN, WAMIT, SPH, RANS CFD etc. are used to model waves, currents and wind interactions between ORE structur...

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Active and Recent Supergen ORE Hub Flexible Fund Research

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List your research project on the Research Landscape We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders wi...


Existing models need to be improved or further developed to become suitable tools for designing ORE systems under the full range of conditions, particularly frontier developments and new devices.

Impact Potential

Impact on CAPEX as the interaction with resource and environmental conditions will be better understood and therefore de...

Better measurement techniques for forecasting and resource characterisation


Measurement of MetOcean data, i.e. wind, wave and current data, including velocity, wave elevation, turbulence data, is necessary to understand the offshore energy resource. Techniques are needed to measure all forms of physical environment data and to take into account the influence of land, accessibility, the need to extrapolate to extreme events, resource variations in time and space, bathymetry and other factors. This data is an essential part of resource assessment, farm planning and prediction of performance.


Predictions of the environmental conditions often rely on data from a single point, or sparse locations. This causes uncertainty in the potential energy resource, the loading on devices and the weather windows for offshore operations.

Context and Need

Better and more reliable prediction of Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) performance will improve confidence in project fi...

Research Summary

Several methods are generally applied for the resource measurement, e.g., wave measurements: wave gauges, laser altimet...

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Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

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Develop more reliable and rich measurement systems, to quantify the offshore environment, including combinations of wind, wave and current.

Impact Potential

This challenge will impact on: CAPEX, as the resource and environmental conditions will be better understood and theref...

Resource and environmental characterisation in physical modelling facilities


Laboratory facilities are increasing the realism of their simulations. New techniques allow complex aspects of the ocean environment to be modelled in the lab, such as combined wave and current characteristics, turbulence parameters, and combinations of wind, wave and current.


Real ocean behaviour, such as the turbulence in combined waves and current, is poorly understood and difficult to simulate in the laboratory.

Context and Need

Designing for offshore conditions requires detailed analysis of the impact of wind, waves, currents and turbulence on th...

Research Summary

On-going work at FloWave to characterise tank conditions and their representation of field conditions. FloWTurb: Respon...

Active and Recent Research Projects

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Supergen ORE Hub - Flexible Funding Research

Our Flexible Funding supports fundamental and applied research to advance the ORE sector.

PhD projects in Offshore Renewable Energy

PhD projects in Offshore Renewable Energy In order to better understand the breadth of ORE research currently being cond...

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We would like to invite UK researchers and industry stakeholders within ORE to submit links to research projects, both p...


New physical modelling technologies can be developed to produce more representative ocean conditions in controlled setting.

Impact Potential

Potential impact on both OPEX and CAPEX via improved reproduction of complex field conditions leading to improved fideli...